Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 7 part two

"You mean, gather an army?"
The fire in Sean's eyes was really beginning to freak me out.
It was my turn to stare.
"Are you nuts? Who the heck will listen to us? We're just two guys from sector seven. And then, even if they do listen, how are we gonna fight? We've got..." I pulled out the gun I'd taken from Veronica, "one gun,"
"I know where the warehouses are. I can arm us. We just need to gather the army,"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Gather an army? Mount a full scale revolution against both the rebels and the government? I stared at the floor.
Sounded like a big job with a small chance of survival. Well, what were we waiting for? It was either this crazy plan or just being scum for the rest of our lives.
"Alright, let's go," I sighed.
I untied Sean and we went into Clari's shop. Everything was a mess. The piles of clockwork had been scattered across the floor. It was impossible to walk without stepping on somthing.
We picked our way across the room and arrived at Clari's work table. I cleared away her plans for some odd-looking gadgets and rolled out a less than fresh blank peice of paper.
"So what's our plan?" I asked.
Sean rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, I was kind of hoping that you knew," he muttered.
I looked at him.
"Seriously?" I asked, "You give this big speech that gets me all phyced for this and now you're out of steam?"
I muttered to myself before thinking hard.
We could put signs up...but then the rebels and government would be onto our plan. We could talk to some other couriers and ask them to spread the word...but some of them were kind of loose-lipped. We could...
The yell was followed by a crash.
"What the...?" Sean spun around.
"Help," a voice whined.
We exchanged a glance before picking our way to the source of the voice.

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