Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 7

I felt myself rising slowly from the dark recesses of my mind and back into the land of the waking. I sat up as soon as my vision returned. My head suddenly throbbed and I flopped back to the floor, sqeezing my eyes shut.
"Ow..." I clutched my head.
"Alfred? Are you awake?"
I opened my eyes slowly and looked toward the speaker.
Sean was still tied to the chair, except he looked a lot worse than the first time I'd seen him there.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"No," I muttered sitting up slowly.
I took a closer look at him. Both of his eyes were blackened and he had a thin trail of dried blood leading down his face from his nose.
"What happened?" I asked groggily.
"They beat me up, but...they didn't kill me," Sean seemed confused.
I really couldn't care less about their reasons for not killing him. Veronica had actually been a spy, Clari had been right.
I frantically searched the room.
"Clari!" I yelled, ignoring the pain it caused, "Clari, where are you?"
"They took her. Veronica and Ralph took her. I couldn't do anything about it. I'm sorry, Alfred,"
Well, that's just great! I thought, Clari's gone, she had the card so the card's gone...
"What're we gonna do?" I muttered, laying back down.
Sean was silent for a few moments.
"You're giving up?" he finally asked.
I looked at him from my place on the floor.
"What am I gonna do? I'm just one person..."
"Two," he interrupted.
"Two, I'm with you," he smiled.
It was kinda painful to see.
"Okay, fine, two. We're just two people. They have us out gunned, out numbered, and they took Clari, who was the only person who knows how to make anything of use!"
Sean stared at me as if I'd just grown a second and then a third head.
"Do you have any idea what will happen with that card?"
"No, not really," I sighed.
"The rebels will have access to sector five. I know for a fact that Ralph has contacts there. There'll be a war very soon unless we do something,"
"What the heck are we gonna do!?" I yelled.
"We're gonna rally the people who are sick of being trampled on and revolt! That's what we're gonna do!" Sean yelled back.
I blinked in surprise.

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