Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 7 part three

I arrived first. All I really saw was a pale hand sticking out of a pile of gears.
"Help," the voice was coming from under the pile.
I took the hand and pulled.
This kid came up out of the pile like something crawling out of the grave. He looked like something crawling out of a grave too.
He was really pale and skinny. His eyes were too bright for his pale skin. He had almost no muscle on his body. When he saw me, he flinched back and cowered.
"Don't h-h-hurt me," he whimpered, "I j-j-just wan-n-na see C-Clari."
Sean stepped up behind me and examined the kid.
"Uh, Clari's not here," I said, "Can I take a message?"
He shook his head.
"N-no, I had to see her today. I'll be going now,"
He turned and promptly fell into the same pile of gears.
Sean elbowed me.
"Hey, this could be our first recruit," he whispered.
"What, this thing?" I whispered back in disbelief, "He can't control his own feet, much less a weapon,"
Sean gave me a look. I sighed.
I helped bag 'o bones up again.
"Hey, kid, what's your name?"
"Desmond," he murmured.
I looked back at Sean.
"He say's his name's Desmond,"
Sean scowled at me. I shrugged and mouthed 'what?' before turning back to Desmond.
"Uh, we're friend's of Clari's and we'd, uh, like to ask you something,"
I don't know how it was possible, but Desmond got paler.
"What d-do you w-want?"
Oh, geez, this was embaressing.
"Do you want to join our cause?"
Sean sighed.
"What cause?" Desmond squeeked, his eyes just about bugging out of his head.
"We, uh, want to stand up to the government and the rebellion,"
Desmond stared at me.
"How?" he asked.
"We were just getting to that when you walked in,"

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