Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 9 part 2

"Sean, I think we're missing something- I'm missing something."

" Oh, by the way, I've got the card." I said, sounding like the punk I am.

"What? Where was it?" Sean asked in wonder.

"Clari hid it, and she told me about it. Can you believe I forgot such a 'small' detail? She's always calling me an idiot. Guess I proved her right. Anyway, I don't think any of this- you know with Ralph and Veronica- is about this card. Don't the rebels have cards or at least access to them, especially purples?" I waited for Sean to answer. He was just looking at me like I'd said the most stupid thing in the world.

"Of course, they have cards. They never wanted your card. Didn't you wonder why ralph never came after you, why he left you alive, why he's not here trying to catch us? He wanted Clari. It's always been about Clari. I was never in on the planning, so I never really understood what he wanted with her until I saw all of this." He said gesturing around to the gadgets and inventions in the shop.

"She must be some kind of genius!" He added with admiration.

"Yeah, she is." I replied, surprised at the pride I took in my words.

All of a sudden my mind was bombarded with thoughts and memories of Clari. They seemed to fall on me, crushing me. All the times she's called me an idiot, all the times I'd annoyed her while she tried to work, all the hints she'd given me about where to find good junk. All that time she'd kept a lot of her life secret from me. I didn't know about the 'keep out' room or about Desmond. What else didn't I know? If I'd been alone I may have teared up, instead I hung my head into my hands and breathed in- too deeply. I think Sean knew.

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