Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 8 part two

Desmond led Sean and I to a door that was marked 'DO NOT ENTER' in big, red letters.
"In there," he whispered, "All her projects that worked out fine are in there,"
I pushed at the door and found it locked. The lock was simple and I simply had to pick it open with a screwdriver.
Inside was the biggest collection of working gismos I'd ever seen. Clari had divided them up onto shelves. On top of each pile, was the plan for the gear. We began to dig eagerly through each pile. The one I started with was full of small clockwork objects. I looked at the plans and saw that they fit into a person's ear and were supposed to clack when the wall trollies passed by. The second had only a single object: a large thing with pedels.
Sean came to stand by me and whistled when he saw the thing.
"How'd she manage to get the parts for one of those?" he said, stepping closer.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's a bipedel. They use these to get around in some of the other disticts. It's a lot faster than walking,"
There was a crash and a shout.
"I'm okay!"
We turned to see Desmond on top of what used to be the interior of some vehical.
"Ok, so, we have a bipedel and means of detecting the wall trollies. What if, when we finally get some followers from sector 7, we climb over the wall when the trolly isn't there and get followers from other disticts?"
Sean nodded, thinking to himself.
"I know this guy who used to be on the police force. He defected and they shipped him out here. He'll probably help us, and he knows how the police work,"
"Yeah, if we could find him..." I felt adrenaline running through me.
I felt daring. It didn't even seem possible to do what we were planning, but we were gonna try.
"H-hey guys, do you know what time it is?" Desmond asked, slowly walking over to us.
I looked around. The only window in the room showed that it was well after dark. I felt a shock. I'd been out for a long time and then I'd gotten wrapped up in planning...
"We should get some rest, it's been a long day. Besides, we're running out of ideas, maybe we can dream up a few after a good night's rest," Sean suggested.
I nodded.
It didn't feel right to consider sleeping now. Clari probably wasn't sleeping. Well, maybe she was, but it probably wasn't the kind where you just lay down because you're tired.
We left the room and locked the doors behind us. We left Clari's workshop. Desmond said a hasty goodbye and ran off into the night. I couldn't really return to my apartment, Ralph knew where it was. I'd been jumping from place to place for the last week, but I was running out of places to stay.
'You got somewhere to go tonight?" Sean asked.
I shrugged and shook my head.
"No, but I'll figure something out,"
"Why don't we just take that abandoned living unit across the street?" he asked, gesturing.
I looked at it.
The windows had been broken and the walls were in bad shape.
"Uh, why don't we just stay in the shop since we're kind of out of options?" I suggested instead.
Sean shrugged.
"Sure, we can try to find somewhere to sleep in there,"
We returned to the shop and hoped that we'd make it through the night without encounter.

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