Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 6 Part 2

Once Victoria was gone, I turned to Clari, expecting her to say something along the lines of having to clean up her garage. However, instead of her usual grumpy expression, she wore a grin on her face.
"What are you thinking?" I asked, scared of the answer.
Her jaw dropped. "You can't possibly tell me that you don't think that Sean getting sick over night isn't suspicious?"
I gave her a quizzical look. "That's how it usually happens…"
"Irrelevant. Look, we've gotta check it out!"
"And that behavior won't make them suspect anything," I said, giving my voice a nice, thick coating of sarcasm.
"We'll just tell them… We're checking up on Sean. He's sick. It's normal behavior."
I had to admit, it was sound logic. I gave in. "Well… might as well. Nothing to loose."
We set out to the once-abandoned place Sean and Victoria were staying at. It wasn't in any way nice, but that was to be expected. It was Sector 7, after all.
I knocked on the door, and as I did so, I could see three cockroaches scuttling away. I gagged, feeling sorry for those two. Even I didn't have vermin in my house.
We waited for the door to be answered, but no one opened it. Odd. The apartment was so small. Surely they would've heard it.

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